Played just now for about 30 minutes and ended up stuck a buy in ($200). Not too bothered really as i was far from being completely focused and it could have been worse if a few donks didn't donate me a few hundred dollars. I got coolered a bit in one hand where i stacked off against a donk with AK against his AA and in another hand i laid down AA with 3 players in the pot but if i hadn't have folded i would've taken it down for something like $400 but whatever. At all levels of poker it is of course important to be focused when you're playing but i think NL200 is where it really becomes necerssary if you want to show a good profit just because of how aggro the games are and all the moves that are being made.
i wanted to get these shoes today but they didn't have any that fit my clown size feet so i'll have to try and get them off ebay or something
probably won't get much playing done tomorrow and i'll be out in the evening most likely but i am aiming for a $1.4k weekend. lets gogogogogo
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