After reading many well known poker blogs lately i have decided to start one of my own. It seems like a great way to monitor poker progress and articulate you thoughts among other things and that can't be bad a thing. I am going to commit to this blog and make a post on any day that i play over 2k hands.
Quick History: Returned from a years of travels as a broke student in july 06, spent some of my last money on the HOH series and deposited ~$60 dollars and started building my empire through single table donkaments whilst making some posts on 2+2. Screwed around with that for a while then around march 07 i took up cash games, signed up to cardrunners and began to take poker seriously.
Fast forward to now, I have a 1.8k roll and am currently playing $50NL on FTP and party though i hope to be playing $100NL very soon.
I'll go into more tomorrow i just don't want to make this post too long.
Here's my graph from today, kinda swingy and i lost focus later on in the day which i am disappointed in myself for but managed to recover to some extent.

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